
Solver Aqua Trim Gloss Enamel

Solver Aqua Trim Gloss Enamel

Aqua Trim Gloss Enamel is an ultra premium, 100% acrylic, water-based enamel formulated to provide outstanding durability and performance.

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Solver Aqua Trim Satin Enamel

Solver Aqua Trim Satin Enamel

Aqua Trim Satin Enamel is a high quality, 100% acrylic, water-based enamel formulated to provide outstanding durability and performance.

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Trims High Gloss Enamel

Trims High Gloss Enamel

Trims High Gloss Enamel is an ultra premium oil-based enamel topcoat that dries to a tough, hard wearing, smooth finish with superior durability, gloss and colour retention.

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Killrust Epoxy Gloss Enamel

Killrust Epoxy Gloss Enamel

$47.00$120.00 inc. GST

Killrust Epoxy Gloss Enamel is a superior performing, anti-corrosive topcoat specifically designed for metal surfaces.

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