


Caesarstone® and Wattyl Collaboration


Behind the Collaboration

Caesarstone® and Wattyl collaborate to bring you the ultimate in colour, texture and style for your home. We have joined forces to help you create successful colour and design solutions, that are both contemporary and reflective of your own style.

Let us inspire you

spicy & warm
CaesarStone SpicyAndWarm scaled
CaesarStone RedOchre

Colour: Red Ochre

CaesarStone VanillaNoir

Stone: Vanilla Noir™

Red Ochre is a rich terracotta that adds an earthy, inviting warmth to your space. Pair it with Caesarstone® Vanilla Noir™ for a bold, luxe look. Overlay with greenery and glass for the ultimate finish.

soft & relaxing
CaesarStone SoftAndRelaxing scaled
CaesarStone Moccacino

Colour: Moccacino

CaesarStone CloudburstConcrete

Stone: Cloudburst Concrete™

Moccacino is a soft, warm neutral that brings a sense of comfort and tranquility. This colour complements Caesarstone® Cloudburst Concrete™ perfectly for a timeless look.

soft & relaxing
CaesarStone RichAndInviting scaled
CaesarStone SeaGrape

Colour: Sea Grape

CaesarStone TurbineGrey

Stone: Turbine Grey™

Seagrape is a rich, ruby red that adds depth and class. It makes a great match with the soft warmth of Caesarstone® Turbine Grey™. Layer with accents of spice tones to create vibrancy.

naturally botanical
CaesarStone NaturallyBotanical scaled
CaesarStone Sashimi

Colour: Sashimi

CaesarStone GeorgianBluffs

Stone: Georgian Bluffs™

Rich, forest green connects us with nature and enriches the tones of Caesarstone® Georgian Bluffs™, mixing industrial with botanical.

boldly understated
CaesarStone BoldlyUnderstated scaled
CaesarStone GreyEmber

Colour: Grey Ember

CaesarStone VanillaNoir

Stone: Vanilla Noir™

Grey Ember is a deep charcoal that, when teamed with the drama of Caesarstone® Vanilla Noir™, creates asupremely confident look.

energetic & youthful
CaesarStone EnergeticAndYouthful scaled
CaesarStone MermaidsSmile

Colour: Mermaid’s Smile

CaesarStone AiryConcrete

Stone: Airy Concrete™

Mermaid’s Smile is upbeat and playful. The versatility and subtle richness of Caesarstone® Airy Concrete™ makes is a perfect partner. Combine this look with unusual shapes and textures.

ocean ambience
CaesarStone oceanAmbience scaled
CaesarStone LakeComo

Colour: Lake Como

CaesarStone TurbineGrey

Stone: Turbine Grey™

Deep, mysterious teal is given new dimension with the addition of lime green and aqua accessories.

simple & calm
CaesarStone SimpleAndCalm scaled
CaesarStone CloudySky

Colour: Cloudy Sky

CaesarStone FrostyCarrina

Stone: Frosty Carrina™

A beautiful neutral with an earthy green undertone, Cloudy Sky tones beautifully with Caesarstone® Frosty Carrina™ to create a calm and thoughtful environment.

digital yellow
CaesarStone Yellow scaled
CaesarStone SecretShrine

Colour: Secret Shrine

CaesarStone EmpiraWhite

Stone: Empira White™

The contrasting vein in Caesarstone® Empira White™ brings the perfect amount of drama to team up with the energetic yellow, Secret Shrine. This punchy look can be accented with metallics and mirror.

deep ink chic
CaesarStone DeepInkChic
CaesarStone MidnightSeas

Colour: Midnight Seas

CaesarStone TurbineGrey

Stone: Turbine Grey™

A gorgeous, deep, ink blue, Midnight Seas is the perfect, contemporary backdrop for fresh white or pops of brights.

White and Caesarstone®

We’ve taken the guess work out – here are the fool proof whites that go with Caesarstone’s top ten surfaces
classic whites
CaesarStone AlmondSugarAndWhiteAttica scaled
CaesarStone AlmondSugar

Colour: Almond Sugar

CaesarStone WhiteAttica

Stone: White Attica™

Soft and fresh, yet carrying a warmth in their undertones, Almond Sugar and Caesarstone® White Attica™ are a classic match.

dusky neutrals
CaesarStone PrimordiaAndSilkNoil scaled
CaesarStone SilkNoil

Colour: Silk Noil

CaesarStone Primordia

Stone: Primordia™

Silk Noil is a contemporary, sandy neutral with a hint of grey in its undertone. The light grey complexion of Caesarstone® Primordia™ complements the hue perfectly.

contemporary tones
CaesarStone CloudburstConcreteAndDhimba scaled
CaesarStone Dhimba

Colour: Dhimba

Cloudburst CloudburstConcrete

Stone: Cloudburst Concrete™

Dhimba is an ultimate all rounder. A contemporary grey, with a slightly warm undertone, it works perfectly with the soft, industrial look of Caesarstone® Cloudburst Concrete™.

warm tones
CaesarStone CalcuttaNuvoAndKanga scaled
CaesarStone Kanga

Colour: Kanga

Cloudburst CalacuttaNuvo

Stone: Calacutta Nuvo™

Kanga is a rich, grey-brown neutral, that teams like a dream with the cascading warm, grey veins of Caesarstone® Calacatta Nuvo™ creating an elegant finish.

urban elegance
CaesarStone GeorgianBluffsAndWinterMushroom scaled
CaesarStone WinterMushroom

Colour: Winter Mushroom

Cloudburst GeorgianBluffs

Stone: Georgian Bluffs™

Winter Mushroom is a soft, quiet grey with a hint of warmth, making it a perfect partner for Caesarstone® Georgian Bluffs™.

ultimate white
CaesarStone EmpiraWhiteAndCalciumWhite scaled
CaesarStone CalciumWhite

Colour: Calcium White

Cloudburst EmpiraWhite

Stone: Empira White™

You can't beat white on white for the ultimate in crispness. The tone of Wattyl's Calcium harmonises perfectly with Caesarstone® Empira White™ for this super, fresh look.

modern white
CaesarStone FrostyCarinnaAndFirstSnow scaled
CaesarStone FirstSnow

Colour: First Snow

Cloudburst FrostyCarrina

Stone: Frosty Carrina™

A delicate white, First Snow looks fresh and elegant when paired with Caesarstone® Frosty Carrina™.

soft & neutral
CaesarStone FrostyCarinnaAndMoccacino scaled
CaesarStone Moccacino

Colour: Moccacino

Cloudburst FrostyCarrina

Stone: Frosty Carrina™

Moccacino is a soft brown neutral that looks so natural with the ivory white tones and delicate powdery veins of Caesarstone® Frosty Carrina™.

light industrial
CaesarStone AlabasterAndTurbineGrey scaled
CaesarStone Alabaster

Colour: Alabaster

Cloudburst TurbineGrey

Stone: Turbine Grey™

The warm, grey undertone of Alabaster works seamlessly with the swirls of grey within the organic pattern of Caesarstone® Turbine Grey™. Modern and easy on the eye.

cool greys
CaesarStone SirensCallAndAiryConcrete scaled
CaesarStone SirensCall

Colour: Siren's Call

Cloudburst AiryConcrete

Stone: Airy Concrete™

A light, smoky grey, Siren's Call is the perfect backdrop to a contemporary, achromatic scheme. Simply timeless.

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