
Solagard Deck and Timber Paint
Solagard Deck and Timber Paint
Wattyl Solagard Deck and Timber Paint is a weather resistant low sheen finish ideal for new or previously painted exterior timber. Formulated for easy application on rough sawn or smooth timber without a primer.

Wattyl Fungicidal Additive
Wattyl Fungicidal Additive
Wattyl Fungicidal Additive is a concentrated anti-mould solution which, when added directly to pant, will assist in the prevention of mould.

Wattyl Ultra Interior Flat Black
Wattyl Ultra Interior Flat Black
Wattyl Ultra Interior Flat Black is a premium quality flat acrylic water-based feature paint.

Brite-Glo Gloss Acrylic
Brite-Glo Gloss Acrylic
Brite-Glo Gloss Acrylic is a full gloss acrylic designed to give excellent flow and covering power with exceptional exterior durability.

Brite-Glo Low Sheen Acrylic
Brite-Glo Low Sheen Acrylic
Brite-Glo Low Sheen Acrylic is a water based acrylic which dries to a subtle low sheen finish.

Brite-Glo Scenic Aquatect Gloss
Brite-Glo Scenic Aquatect Gloss
A clear, water-based acrylic protective coating available in both Gloss and Low Sheen finishes.

Brite-Glo Scenic Aquatect Low Sheen
Brite-Glo Scenic Aquatect Low Sheen
A clear, water-based acrylic protective coating available in both Gloss and Low Sheen finishes.

Paving Paint
Paving Paint
Paving Paint is a super premium quality interior and exterior tough, hard wearing, quick drying polyurethane floor and cement paint.

Preps All Purpose Undercoat
Preps All Purpose Undercoat
Preps All Purpose Undercoat is an oil-based enamel undercoat that provides a sound base for topcoating.